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We do not want to get ahead of ourselves here, but did you notice that Fall is here? While it officially starts toward the end of the month, we are going to just say it is here and that means it is time for chilly nights, warm drinks, and romantic nights. While we believe that romance is a year-round thing, it is especially easy to light a fire in your relationship during fall. 

Need some inspiration? No worries, we have some sure-fire and simple ways to heat up your love life no matter how much the temperature drops. 

Embrace candlelight

Is there anything sexier than a room lit by candlelight? Candlelight sets the mood, creates a soft light that is relaxing and intriguing. You can even get candles that have wood wicks. These will crackle a bit and give off a flickering light. So even if you do not have a fireplace, you can enjoy the ambiance of an open flame. Just remember to never leave candles unattended. 

Pull out the fall colors 

If you need an excuse to shake up things a bit, fall is here. That means you can put away the pastel lingerie and flowery nighties for sexy autumn tones. Think deep reds, warm earth tones, shimmery greens, and similar colors. And if you don’t have anything that fits the bill, you can always drop by the closest location and see our fall selection.

Fill your home with fall scents

The right scent can bring back memories and set the mood. It is especially easy to find fall scents thanks to the plentiful selection of fall-themed candles and incense that hits the shelves the moment summer ends. While scent is a matter of preference, sandalwood, musk, and cinnamon are solid choices. Of course, there are specialty scents for fall too, like chai, pumpkin spice, and maple.

Indoor date night
The weather can get a bit unfriendly in fall and winter, which might put a damper on your plans. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to have date night at home so you can keep the fun going regardless of the weather. Make dinner together or order in, put candles on the table, have some wine and put the phones away. You can watch a movie or dance by candlelight – it is your date!

Sure, fall gets a bit cold, and the days are short, but that just means the nights are long. Make the most of them! With a little work and imagination, you can make fall just as romantic as spring!