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Spring is traditionally known as wedding season, but at In the Garden of Eden we know that this means it’s also bachelorette party season as well! And while these pre-wedding parties can be quite fun, planning them can actually be pretty overwhelming.

If you’re in charge of planning the perfect bachelorette party and aren’t sure where to start, we’ve got your covered. Here are a few tips and ideas for making your last chance for fun one party to remember.

Ask the bride You should ask the bride two important things before you start making plans. The first is what they want the party to be like and perhaps most importantly, you need to ask what they don’t want during their special evening. Everyone has their own ideas and boundaries, and asking will help you honor their wishes. It also ensures that the night meets the bride’s expectations. After all, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime situation.

Have a plan B – Even the best of plans can go wrong. People get sick, dates and times need to change, entertainment falls through – don’t expect everything to go right. So make your best plans and then make a backup plan, just in case. Consider some alternatives for things to do, entertainment, and fun places to go. Thinking through a worst-case scenario will reduce the stress should something go wrong.

Call in the troops Sure, you might be in charge, but there’s no reason you have to do it alone. Enlist every friend you can find to help with the planning. This will take the pressure off and ensure that the night goes smoothly. It’s also a great way to brainstorm ideas. Get everyone together, create a plan, and divide up the responsibilities.

Remember the bride – You might be in charge of the planning, but it’s important to remember that it’s not your party. The bachelorette party is all about the bride, so ask yourself, “Is this what she’d want?” as you make your plans. This helps to ensure that the evening represents what she would want, even if it’s not your idea of fun.

And don’t forget our final, most important bachelorette party tip – enjoy yourself! Don’t get so caught up in getting things done and playing host that you forget to enjoy the fun you’ve planned! This is a special night, so get ready to make it an evening nobody will dare to forget!